Nuhkuyusu Cad., Doktorlar Apt., No:301
Sapphire FUE
Sapphire DHI

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Hair Transplants Hair Treatments
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Dr. Fatih Köroğlu (Hair Transplant Expert)
Dr. Fatih Köroğlu (Hair Transplant Expert)

Why Do You Need a Doctor for Hair Transplant?

Natural Appearance
Natural Appearance
A planning mistake leads to unnatural appearance.
Safe Surgery
Safe Surgery
A nonsterile surgery causes pain and edema and increase the risk of infection.
Personal Expectations
Personal Expectations
A hair surgery should be performed considering the needs and expectations of the patient.
Healthy Results
Healthy Results
An incorrect method produces permanent damage on hair follicles and scalp.

Dr. Fatih Köroğlu's Medical Background

Dr. Fatih Köroğlu is one of the first medical doctors who specilizes in hair transplant operations in Turkey. With his extensive knowledge and reputation, Köroğlu has served people from all over the world in hair restoration and hair treatments since 2010.
It has proven his quality and experience to the whole world by achieving success in more than 8,000 operations. You can be sure you are in a safe hands once you make a decision to come for hair transplant. He gives his best to change your life and look naturally.

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Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant


Years of Experience
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Performed Operations
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Why Choose Us?

There is so many reason for that. We want you to see our difference.
Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
High Recommendation
High Recommendation
The positive evaluations made by our patients for us can be viewed on all platforms.
Professional Team
Professional Team
Our experienced and certified team provides successful results using high technology.
Maximum Hair Follicles
Maximum Hair Follicles
The maximum hair follicles are implanted to get natural appearance by Dr. Fatih Köroğlu.
Long-Term Assistance
Long-Term Assistance
The transplantation process is followed effectively and accurately before and after the operation.

Hair Transplant Cost

When it comes to hair restoration, it is an indisputable fact that Turkey is among the most preferred countries all over the world. In this preference, reasonable costs play an active role as well as the successful results of Turkish doctors.

Today, when a comparison is made with countries all over the world, Turkey is the first choice of all patients in terms of quality and cost. In addition to these reasons, Turkey provides high quality service and attention to its patients, as well as providing fast access to world-class treatment. Preferred by the whole world, Dr. Fatih Köroğlu offers premium hair restoration packages to his patients at affordable prices.

See Our Packages

The Best Hair Transplant Techniques For You

Dr. Fatih Köroğlu determines the best technique after analyzing your scalp and hair follicles.

Sapphire FUE

Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant

Sapphire DHI

Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair TransplantHair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair TransplantHair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair TransplantHair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair TransplantHair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant

Contents of Your All-Inclusive Hair Transplant Package

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Questions and Answers Clearing Your Doubts and Concerns

You may undergo a hair transplant surgery when your hair density decreases or hair loss increases. It is appropriate to do a hair transplant if hair treatments do not respond and you are uncomfortable with the situation you are in.

Having dense and strong hair is important for a person’s self-confidence in daily life. Hair transplant is the most effective, natural and permanent solution to recover your hair, as medications have side effects in preventing hair loss. If you are suitable for hair restoration, it is definitely worth it.

  • The hairline designed should be personalized consedering patient’s natural look.
  • The transplanted hair should be in the right position and density.
  • Angle and inclination should be taken into account in hair transplant.
  • Sufficient amount of hair follicles should be extracted from donor site.

There are there efficient and useful hair transplant methods used by Dr. Fatih Köroğlu, which are Sapphire FUE, DHI and Sapphire DHI. After making the necessary analysis, the doctor determines the most suitable technique for you.

Since the transplanted hair is independent of genetic factors, it does not sheds never. But they need care, attention and be protected after the operation. The success rate in hair transplant can reach up to 99% with the right techniques, a specialist doctor and team.

Before starting to the hair transplant, local anesthesia is applied to the scalp.   The donor and recipient area are anesthetized by using needles and painless anesthesia device. With this application, patients do not experience any pain.

Hair transplant involves a completely surgical process. It should definitely be done by a doctor in a sterile environment. If get it done in professional hands and be followed the instructions given, it does not carry any risk.

The majority of the implanted hair sheds the first month after the operation (shock-loss). And after the third month they start dating again. Approximately half of them comes out within six months. All of them come out within a year.

Turkey is the capital of hair transplant surgeries in the world. By many clinics located in Istanbul, hair transplant operations to be offered at affordable prices despite high quality. Near one million pacients come to Turkey to benefit from its medical services. On the health-tourism website, you can see that Turkey is one of the safest countries on healthcare field. To get great results, you can be performed by Dr. Fatih Köroğlu.

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