Nuhkuyusu Cad., Doktorlar Apt., No:301

Post-Transplant Instructions

The number of people who want to have an aesthetic and natural appearance with hair transplant is increasing day by day. Maintaining this look is as important as having it. It is important to follow the post-intervention instructions so that nothing goes to waste. If a certain success is to be achieved, these measures must be taken into account. Especially the patients who come to us from abroad should follow the post-operative process more closely and carefully. In the first three days and after, our doctor teaches our patients how to act in fine detail. In addition, we provide the post-operative care package to our patients free of charge. Especially the first month after the operation is very critical and patients are asked to pay attention to the rules for one month. Our medical team will not leave you alone in this process and will follow up after the operation. They will be with you in the face of any problem and question.

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Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
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Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
Hair Washing
Hair Protection
Hair Growth
Daily Activities
Sleep Time
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Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant | Hair Transplant Cost | Best Hair Dr. and Clinic | Turkish Hair Transplant

How should hair wash be done?

The first wash after 48 hours of hair transplant is done in the hospital together with the doctor. The washing process has a special characteristic of its own. First, the lotion given to you by our doctor is applied to the implanted area. This process not only helps to shed the crusts, but also provides relief and renews the main cells. For this application, which is done in a way that will not damage the hair follicles, it should be waited for 20 minutes in a lotion form. Then the lotion is started to be rinsed with warm and low pressure water. For 10 days, this process is carried out before washing the hair with a special shampoo. If the crusts formed on the scalp are not completely shed, the process is continued for a while.

After rinsing the lotion, the implanted site is washed with a special shampoo given by the doctor. This is done once a day for 10 days. We apply the shampoo, which is used for rapid healing and shedding the crusts, to the scalp by squeezing a few times in our palms and rubbing it slowly. We start rinsing in a few minutes and clean it with a light, warm and non-pressurized water without damaging the hair follicles. It will be more useful and effective to have someone with you to help you with these processes.
All these procedures will be done by our doctor first and the operation of the process will be explained to you in detail. For convenience, the first wash will be recorded with video footage and then sent to you so that you can do it correctly and without any problems.

After washing your hair for 10 days as stated, you can wash your hair with any shampoo as you do in daily life. But it is very important that you continue with water gently and without pressure without damaging your hair follicles.

After the hair is washed, the drying process should be carried out with gauze patch or paper towels, not with a towel for the first 10 days. It is more convenient to leave the hair to dry on its own. Hair dryer should not be used for the first 10 days.

It is inconvenient to use hair care products for 1 month after hair transplant. In this way, hair follicles can be damaged.

How should the hair transplant area be protected?

Head Swelling
A 15-minute ice application should be made once an hour for 4 days against swelling that may occur on the face and forehead after the operation. With this application, which will relieve relaxation and pain, the healing process will be faster. In case of swelling, there is no need to worry because it is temporary.
Impact Protection
It is very important to protect the implanting area from impacts for three months after the operation. In order not to damage the recipient site and to avoid unsuccessful results, even manual contact with the area should be avoided.
Hair Dye
Hair coloring is one of the most frequently asked questions. In order for the hair follicles to remain healthy, dyeing should not be done. Hair dye can be done 6 months after the necessary evaluations are made.
Hair Combing
2 weeks after the operation, the areas outside the planting area can be scanned. However, attention should be paid to the points where the comb touches. Touching the implanted area will damage the follicles.
Hair Cut
The donor area can be cut as desired 15 days after the operation. But the situation is different in implanted region. Patients should wait at least 1 month for this area. Then it can be cut with scissors, but the use of a razor is prohibited. Machine cutting is started from the third month, but this process is done provided that it is not zero. Zero cutting starts at the end of the sixth month.
Body Posture
Another important point to be considered after hair transplantation is the position of the body, especially the head. It is necessary to keep the head upright and not lean forward for 3 days. The follicles can be displaced in any sudden jolt. Therefore, while sitting, getting up, putting our clothes and shoes we should keep our head in an upright position.
Burning, Itching and Redness Sensation
A burning sensation may be experienced in the first days after the operation. This is related to the contact of the scalp with oxygen and causes redness. You can use the lotion given to relax three times a day. Itching is also normal, and it’s a sign of healing. Within 1 week after the operation, itching becomes more severe, but it is extremely dangerous to make any moves to scratch.

How to do daily activities?

Back to Work
If the given instructions are followed, you can return to work 5 days after the operation. However, it is more appropriate for patients who work in dangerous and heavy jobs to wait 2 weeks to start work again.
Avoiding the Sun
One of the important instructions to be followed after hair transplant is to be protected from the sun. It is necessary to protect the implanted area from sunlight for 2 months after the operation.
Sexual Intercourse
Since sweating and excessive activity during sexual intercourse will damage the hair follicles, it should be avoided for 15 days after hair transplant. Otherwise, the hair follicles may move.
Avoiding the Sun
The area where hair transplant is performed is very sensitive, especially for 15 days. It is very important to protect the implanting site from any impact, as scratching and touching will damage the follicles.
Wearing a Hat
After the operation, patients should not have anything on their heads for 1 month. Hair follicles exposed to airless environment and perspiration can be damaged in this way.
Avoiding Sneezing and Coughing
Especially since the head area should be kept upright for 3 days after the operation, it is necessary to pay attention to any sudden jolts. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to movements such as coughing, sneezing and yawning.
Entrance to the Sauna, Turkish Bath and Solarium
After hair transplant, it is necessary to stay away from areas with high temperatures such as baths and saunas, where the hair follicles can loosen, for 1 month. At the same time, the healing process is interrupted in these areas and the risk of infection increases. It is extremely important to avoid these areas that cause sweating.
Alcohol Consumption
After the operation, alcohol consumption should be avoided for 2 weeks, as it will increase bleeding and affect coagulation. Alcohol consumption should be avoided since there is a decrease in blood sugar, changes in blood values and changes in breathing. If alcohol is consumed, the effect of the drugs given after transplantation will also decrease and the healing process will take longer.
Since smoking affects blood circulation and reduces the amount of oxygen, it can damage the implanting area. Under these conditions, the healing of wounds becomes difficult and the risk of infection increases. It is important not to smoke for 2 weeks after the operation to avoid problems.
Sports and Exercise
It is critical after implanting to avoid any activity that will cause sweating and cause the follicles to move. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from sports and exercises for 15 days. However, light walks can be done 3 days after the operation, provided that they are not heavy sports.
Sports and Exercise
It is critical after implanting to avoid any activity that will cause sweating and cause the follicles to move. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from sports and exercises for 15 days. However, light walks can be done 3 days after the operation, provided that they are not heavy sports.
Since swimming will move the hair follicles and increase the risk of infection, swimming and diving in any place should be avoided for 1 month.
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Your Hair Transplant Growth Timeline

We look forward to seeing your good results! Remember, hair growth differs for each patient.

1. Month: Hair follicles begin to integrate into the scalp.
1 – 3 Months: The transplanted hair follicles experience a shock loss, but this is temporary.
3 – 6 Months: At this stage, the hair begins to show its first results.
6 – 12 Months: There is a visible growth in the hair follicles and the hair follicles become stronger.
12 -18 Months: Hair follicles gaining density and thickness are fully integrated with the scalp and gain a natural appearance.

How to sleep?

Should lie on back
Should lie on back

Special attention should be paid to sleep for 3 days after the operation. You should lean on the pillow with the head facing up so that it does not touch anywhere else. You will have a much more comfortable and safe sleep with the special neck pillow we will give you. In this way, you will protect the implanted area from dangerous friction and night turns.

Bed should be kept clean
Bed should be kept clean

Especially pillows and duvets should be changed constantly to keep the implanted area hygienic. It is very important at this point that the scalp is not infected.

Avoid contact and movements
Avoid contact and movements

Since it is difficult to control body movements during sleep, it is useful to keep materials that will damage hair follicles away from your bed. In particular, care should be taken not to touch the headboard.

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