Nuhkuyusu Cad., Doktorlar Apt., No:301


Micropigmentation is the method of placing pigments on the skin with the help of needles. In a way, it can also be considered as a tattoo on the scalp. Hair simulation is performed by injecting a small amount of pigment until it reaches the dermis surface on the head. The main goals are to reshape, correct, beautify and semi-permanently restore certain body features by implanting pigment into the skin.

It can be used to camouflage scars after hair transplant to give a natural appearance, to increase capillary density or to cover areas by simulating hair. It is generally preferred to cover the scars formed in the donor area after hair transplant. It is also perfect for those who love to have a shaved look. Micropigmentation is a preferred solution for the following problems:

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Additional Information for Micropigmentation Treatment

After the treatment, it is possible to return to normal life.
Successful results are noticed the next day.
Pigments do not cause injury to the skin.
There is no difference in the practices for men and women.
Processing time is approximately 4 hours.
It provides permanence for up to 4 years, then it can be done again.
It can be deleted by laser method.
It is an easier process than tattooing because the pigments are processed down to the epidermis level of the scalp.
Care should be taken to ensure that the micropigmentation gains a natural appearance.
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