SDHI hair transplant (Sapphire DHI) is one of the aesthetic surgery methods in which Sapphire FUE and DHI techniques are used together. SDHI method is the best example of this innovation and current techniques. The use of the two most advanced methods in hair transplantation increases the probability of the operation to be successful.
SDHI starts with Sapphire FUE method and is completed with DHI method. The hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor part and placed one by one into the micro channels opened in the recipient part with a Sapphire blade using the Choi Pen (implanter tool) which is belong the DHI technique. The expertise in hair transplant and years of experience that Dr. Fatih Köroğlu has in SDHI technique, you will restore your lost hair and receding hairline, and you will have a young appearance than before.
SDHI Hair Transplant Procedure
The hair transplant procedure usually starts in the morning and takes 5-7 hours depending on the number of hair follicles of the patient. If the specified instructions are fulfilled and the criteria are met, the surgery performed with the SDHI technique begins with the following 7 Phases.
First, the person to be treated is informed about the process. All details about the procedures are transferred to the patient, and then the necessary documents are handed over to be signed. Afterwards, the patient’s photographs are taken and the doctor designs the suitable hairline for the patient, analyzing the forehead muscles. After drawing the hairline, the donor site is determined and the next step is taken.
The patient is taken to the pre-sterilized room and blood is drawn for various analyzes. After determining that the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery, the patient’s hair is shaved, leaving about 1 or 2 mm of length. Then the patient changes and puts on a surgical gown. Afterwards, sedatives are given through serums so that the patient is comfortable before the operation. But this is not obligatory and it is patient’s choice.
Before the follicular units get extracted, pre-anesthesia is applied to the donor site by means of a needle-free injector. This is an alternative method used to minimize pain and avoid fear of needle. Only a slight air pressure is felt during the use of painless anesthesia. Once donor area is anesthetized with needle-free device, local anesthesia is continued with the traditional method until whole scalp is completely numb. Thanks to anesthesia, the occurrence of edema is prevented after the operation.
Once the anesthetic takes effect, the follicular units are removed. If the hair follicles are not sufficient in the back of the neck, it is extracted from other regions. With the help of a 0.7 mm micro-motor, the follicles are removed from the scalp and harvested one by one with special forceps by our expert team under the control of the doctor. The donor site is not damaged in any way during extraction. These extracted hair follicles are moved onto a suitable tube containing isotonic so that they do not lose their properties and remain alive.
Before starting the canal opening, P/R/P treatment, which is a hair treatment, is applied on implanting site to strengthen the transplanted follicles and existing hair, and accelerate the recovery process.
At this phase, micro channels are opened using a Sapphire blade in the recipient zone where the hair follicles will be placed. The channels opened for the hair follicles to be transplanted should be at the right angle, direction and depth. Otherwise, the patient will not have a natural appearance and it looks much worse than before. Therefore, each incision definitely be planned and openned by the doctor.
Once the channel openning is completed, the protected hair follicles are implanted in these micro holes using the special tool by determining the right angles. In SDHI technique, the follicles are placed into the slot at the tip of the implanter tool, called ‘Choi Pen’ and then, they are trensplated into the these channels. At least two of the implanter pens are used, and the tips of each of these pens have sufficient length and depth to place the follicles. The success of the surgery is determined by the correct calculation of the hair growth direction, the distribution of the density of the grafts and the integration carefully into the implanting line. It should be performed together with a experienced team and doctor as it is a work that requires attention.
At the final step, when the hair transplant is finished, the doctor gives the patient the necessary instructions to follow after the operation and the patient returns to his hotel resting here one day and comes back to the hospital for the first wash the next day.